Courses and Inspiration to Reawaken the Ancient Wisdom in our Souls by Communing with Nature

Herbal Alchemy

Herbal Alchemy – Spagyric Medicines

Plant alchemy is a powerful evolutionary and in depth process in which we purify and evolve a plant into a ‘higher’ form of itself.  It’s also an incredible way of getting to know a plant on a much deeper level that ordinarily may take decades to learn through experience.  Plant alchemy is not just a physical process, and as such, it’s not something that can be taught purely through words or pictures.  It is something that needs to be experienced!


What is alchemy?

Herbal Alchemy is the ancient art of creating a plant remedy using alchemical principles.  Alchemy uses processes already occuring in nature to bring transformation and evolution to the substance and to ourselves.

It is a process of consciously evolving a substance to its highest state of being.  In this way we come out with living medicines of great potency.  We also come out significantly changed ourselves as we cannot evoke transformation without going through it.

As above, so below.  As within, so without.

Through refining, separating and purifying, alchemy is the art and science of evolving base metal into gold in order to create what is known as the philosopher’s stone – the magical ingredient that can be used  as a catalyst to convert lead into gold.  It is the speeding up of the natural process of evolution.

 Plant alchemy works at creating a ‘vegetable stone’.  These powerful plant medicines are known as ‘spagyrics’ and when made properly can be used as great transformational catalysts for bringing out the ‘gold’ within ourselves and those around us, creating healing and change.

Normal herbal tinctures lack one of the major active principles of any medicine – the Body or Salt component.  They also don’t separate and purify the Soul, another important part of the process.  In alchemical spagyric tinctures, we work to separate and purify the Spirit, Soul and Body parts of the plant.  The Salt is an integral part of any medicine and one that creates considerable power and change in the persons imbibing it.  Because of this and the way in which they are made, Alchemical tinctures are a truly wholistic herbal preparation – they affect all parts of a human – physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental simultaneously.

Spagyrics are created through a process of conscious evolution.

This course is an integrated and practical journey into Plant Alchemy using the three principles of Spirit, Soul and Body. 

We will make an alchemical plant tincture that is potentised by our inner and outer purifications. 

As part of this process we will be tuning into the plant and listening for its wisdom and guidance. 

Alchemy is a transformative process.  We can’t expect to create a transformative medicine without undergoing the transformation process within…..what is happening in the ‘alembic’ (the alchemical vessel of transformation) will be happening inside of us. 

Be prepared!!

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Alchemy and the three principles – spirit, soul, and body.  Tuning into the plant world and plant spirit journeying.

 2. Working with the Spirit of the plant through the process of fermentation.  Connect and journey to the Spirit of the plant.

 3. The Soul.  Oil distillation of the plant.  Journey with the Soul of the herb.

4 & 5. Body/Salt.  Working with the material realm through calcination.  Journey into the physical realm.

 6. The Sacred Marriage.  Bringing the purified parts together again to create an exalted and powerful plant remedy.

This course is a grassroots version of alchemy.  We’ll be using basic equipment and fitting into a time period, which in the reality of alchemy is not really ideal.  However, within these constructs, magic still happens and it all becomes part of the process.

“Heidi is a genuinely heart centred facilitator who is passionate about awakening humankind into a purer connection with both themselves and Nature.  Throughout the course, we were encouraged to access and activate our innate communication skills to receive from the plant its gifts and purpose. Doing this in a group environment I found heightened my receptivity and amplified the information input.
Heidi’s awareness is an incredible resource. I learnt so much about Alchemy, and honestly went through the alchemical process myself whilst we created the tincture!  Due to her humility and encouraging nature, I felt safe and supported to share my inner journeys and insights, also to process the deeper, sometimes uncomfortable, emotions that arose.  I recommend this Alchemy course to anyone choosing to deepen their connection with Nature and themselves. It’s a true gift that keeps on giving!
Heidi’s deep wisdom and grace inspired a wonderfully nourishing, expansive experience.”
K. Weaver

Your Facilitator: Heidi has been making herbal spagyrics for over 20 years and facilitating herbal alchemy courses since 2009.  She runs various other face to face circles and online courses in shamanic herbalism and plant spirit communication. Author of Wild Flower Walker: A Pilgrimage to Nature on the Bibbulmun Track, she is passionate about reawakening and deepening our innate connection with Nature.  Her history is deeply embedded with plants, herbalism, homeopathy and midwifery.  To learn more, visit the About page.

Upcoming Courses:

To be notified of upcoming course dates, sign up to the occasional course update email list.

Northern NSW
Near Mullumbimby

Next course begins 12 March 2024
4 Tuesdays: 12/3, 19/3, 26/3, 2/4
Approx 9.30-4.30 each day
As this can be a deep process, you will need to commit to coming to every session to keep the fires burning, purifying and moving.

Exchange:  $650 (includes online preparation components)
For those who have not done any plant spirit communication or shamanic journeying before, you will need to complete a short online component before we begin.

$600 if you are already proficient in these.

Places are very limited.  Small group. To reserve your place, a $200 non refundable deposit due on registration.  Full balance due at start of course.

To register:


“This was such a magical and treasured journey!  I continue to take my spagyric and receive her awakenings.” C.Murray, 2019.

“I am so full of gratitude for this incredible process. To you sisters who dove into the alchemy with me, to you Heidi for once again creating a gentle and safe space to alchemise and to Mugwort for holding me while I stripped and burnt and dissolved into a self more golden than I’ve yet been. What an incredible journey.” T.L. 2021

Read about some previous alchemy journeys here:

Yarrow Alchemy

Calendula Alchemy

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